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The Full English : English teaching resources, ages 10- 18!

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(based on 31 reviews)

High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.




High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.
The ultimate 'Animal Farm' teaching pack...it's pigtastic!

The ultimate 'Animal Farm' teaching pack...it's pigtastic!

I created this pack for my year eight students, but I have also delivered it very successfully to year nines and tens. It is huge, with well over thirty pages and over twelve sections, such as: Introduction to Orwell, his social and political beliefs Focused chapter comprehension tasks What is an allegory? What is satire and irony? The language of political persuasion Numerous student-centred tasks, from research to speaking and listening, creative writing to political speech-writing. I deliberately designed the pack so that teachers can customise it by intended year group. Older kids will get more from the contextual background materials than younger ones. They do so well on this unit and love the political hustings orals, making a persuasive speech and getting confident with persuasive and satirical language. I prefer the older Halas and Bachelor film to teach alongside this scheme.
Suspense: a detailed grid of the key features and their effects

Suspense: a detailed grid of the key features and their effects

This handout is ideal for students working on the horror, murder mystery or even detective genre. Students often find it hard to explain WHY and HOW an effect creates suspense; this worksheet helps them to form clear explanations and is an ideal launchpad for their own work on allocated phrases and sections from your focus text. Great for when teaching 'Jekyll and Hyde', 'Dorian Gray' or murder mysteries.
'The signalman' whole lesson, with plan  plus  three extra linked resources

'The signalman' whole lesson, with plan plus three extra linked resources

An ideal pre-prepared lesson with some great ways to introduce your students to the delights of gothic horror. The files include a copy of the short story, focused lesson plan and a useful glossary list of archaic vocabulary, to help students understand the trickier sections of the story. A great set of resources. Please also see my shop’ s ‘What is the Gothic genre?’ PowerPoint file, and my ‘The Gothic’ slideshow, aimed at older students.
Big  Porti(a)on of Merchant of Venice resources!

Big Porti(a)on of Merchant of Venice resources!

4 Resources
Sorry for the title pun, but we are doing a Shakespeare resources bundle! It includes: a detailed and thorough revision pack of the whole play, a thorough and differentiated slideshow on anti-semitism designed to stretch the more able kids and contextualise the play, a good opening slideshow which introduces students to who Shakespeare was and his own historical context, a very detailed close textual analysis of 'To bait fish withal.', a difficult key speech.
Shakespeare Week: Ye 'at a glance' guide to Shakespearean grammar

Shakespeare Week: Ye 'at a glance' guide to Shakespearean grammar

Handy quick reference guide for students. It helps boost their confidence with writing tasks as it shows them how the language has altered, how verb suffixes and primary verbs have altered, and keeps it simple. Also triggers interesting discussions about grammar today! Please see my other Shakespeare resources, which include creative and analytical tasks.
Shakespeare Week:  KS2 or 3 activity: Elizabethan lady's letter about first impressions of London

Shakespeare Week: KS2 or 3 activity: Elizabethan lady's letter about first impressions of London

A thorough unit of work with full instructions and a clear mark scheme. Students imagine that they are a well to do Elizabethan lady (or lord!) from the fifteenth or early sixteenth century country shires, visiting seedy Southwark for the first time. Students have to write a letter home to the country Manor House in a suitably formal style, telling their loved ones all about the sights, smells and sounds of Shakespearean London. Included is a good sample response and some useful handouts about the area. Globe education also offer students excellent information too. You could start the students off with the task, get them to brainstorm, research the playhouses and city using the handouts as a starting point, look at the sample letter, then ask them to write their own letters. The responses look great as wall displays. This task will encourage students to enjoy Shakespeare rather than fear him!
D H Lawrence selected poems full work pack

D H Lawrence selected poems full work pack

A full 30 page resource pack which covers a rich range of this great poet's work, from his famous nature poems to his relationship poems and deeper poems about politics and society. Lawrence was a gifted writer and his poems are no exception. Each section of the pack has an overview of the poems' contexts, key features and useful work tasks for students to focus on. The pack works for both GCSE and A level and is ideal extension work for unseen poetry study.
Ted Hughes animal poems: Full teaching pack for 'Esther's Tomcat'

Ted Hughes animal poems: Full teaching pack for 'Esther's Tomcat'

A very carefully crafted pack which is accessible to a wide range of student ages and abilities. The pack revises and develops knowledge of poetic terminology and gets students to explore different verses of the poem in focus groups. Ideal way to encourage students to focus in on a stanza, make notes, discuss and present findings. Good for GCSE poetry students as there is a poetic terms glossary and the poem could be used as timed practice or compared to another in the Anthology, such as 'Bayonet Charge' or another's animal poem for the unseen option. The pack is a useful planning springboard for a first essay on the poem. There are six groups for each of the six stanzas, and a range of good varied group questions for each group, so every student can contribute.
Shakespeare Week: Fun Shakespearean insults tournament tasks and sheet

Shakespeare Week: Fun Shakespearean insults tournament tasks and sheet

These sheets are all you need to create a challenging yet enjoyable lesson. Kids love this task as it enables them to legitimately insult one another whilst following thes elearning objectives: 1) How to write and Shakespearean phrases, use new vocabulary, use the grammatical structures and create word coinages. 2) Mastering the archaic vocabulary with their partners. 3) How to deliver short but effective lines dramatically, ad-libbing and varying according to context. I've used this with boys studying 'Henry V' (English troops insulting French ones and vice versa) with girls students studying 'Richard III' (Lady Anne and Richard trade insults) - and for students of 'The Tempest'. Students can, if they wish, adapt their language choices for a particular play. Caliban and Prosero's language is a mix of magical and eloquent for Prospero, with more nature-themed curses for Caliban, whereas the historical plays can bring in more historical, supernatural and military language.
Poe: gothic vocabulary glossary for Tell Tale Heart...poecabulary!

Poe: gothic vocabulary glossary for Tell Tale Heart...poecabulary!

This is a handy glossary sheet of the more difficult language in this excellent short story. It is a real favourite with students of all ages and IDEAL year nine preparation for the GCSE set novel Jekyll and Hyde, as it introduces kids to the main generic features and the complex vocabulary. Stevenson is easier, if anything, so it will really prepare your students for the demands of the Victorian horror story. Also included is a copy of the story.
Focus text work on 'Lord of the Flies'

Focus text work on 'Lord of the Flies'

This is a great extract to consolidate student understanding of the novel, particularly for AQA GCSE, as it is the scene when the three boys climb the mountain and encounter the dead airman. Lots of testing questions to help them understand the text. For younger students, it works equally well as a stand-alone comprehension. Bargain resource! Please see my other resources on the novel.
Lord of the flies: extension work on religious symbolism and  original sin

Lord of the flies: extension work on religious symbolism and original sin

Ideal resource for extending your most able students, this presentation covers a range of the more challenging questions in the novel...who or what is the 'lord of the flies' and what is the contextual background to the reference, the idea of original sin and how Golding explores this in the story and the religious symbols in the book. Packed with interesting images to maintain student interest!
Gender bias within Language: full pack

Gender bias within Language: full pack

This is a great learning pack for this complex A level topic. on Language and Gender, exploring the biases for and against the sexes as expressed in writing. This resource also goes well with my other packs on gender bias within speech. It might also work with able year 11 students as extension or as a pshe activity. The slideshow is a thorough introduction to the topic and the pack includes four files of focus texts which students work through. The texts are very funny and are sure to stretch and involve your learners. In addition, the slideshow has answer section at the end so there is also a plenary. Up to three double lessons of work here, with easy opportunities for extension work following on from it.
Macbeth: full introduction to the play, its context, plus an overview of first two scenes

Macbeth: full introduction to the play, its context, plus an overview of first two scenes

Useful ready-to-use 10 slide PowerPoint which is easy to customise with your own ideas and tasks, maybe even film clips. It introduces the contextual history to the play, particularly James' reign and the threat of treason. It also explores James' interest in and fear of witchcraft, then moves to introducing the first two scenes. The slides contain many extension questions to stretch and challenge your students and, hopefully,get them thinking and asking you questions.
Persuasive Opinion columns: their generic and linguistic features

Persuasive Opinion columns: their generic and linguistic features

A good 12 slide presentation which covers the main aspects of this great persuasive genre, offers students a useful range of technical terms to master and gives them a range of examples. Great to help revise GCSE English Language writing skills, from AQA board to Edquas board. Also ideal for A level English Language and Media Studies students studying text varieties for their exam or coursework.
A bundle of horror!

A bundle of horror!

3 Resources
The pack contains Slideshow introduction to horror, one aimed at younger students Focus text of 'The Signalman' , a classic horror tale, plus questions.